사계 - 4 Seasons/겨울 - Winter 썸네일형 리스트형 삼겹살 삼겹살은 매일 먹어도 질리지 않아2009-01-02 ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 하늘 하늘에는 하나의 달이 있고,하늘에는 두개의 전선이 있다.2009-01-02 ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 있잖아요, 있잖아요,나 할말이 있는데,저기..........2008-12-24 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 치즈와 돈까스의 만남 돈까스는 치즈를 사랑했고, 그들은 행복했습니다.2008-12-24 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 빛과 나무 따뜻한 빛과, 차가운 나무2008-12-24 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 나무그늘 조용한 카페를 하나 알게 되었습니다.[나무그늘]2008-12-21 다른 좁은 어느 카페보다 넓고, 그윽한 커피향과 맛있는 빵이 있어 참 좋았습니다.[나무그늘] ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 빛을 담다 빛을 가득 담아 봐2008-12-21 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 12월 21일 어느 날 어느 날, 시내에서 한가로운 오후를 보내며 창 밖을 바라보다재미있는 볼거리를 보았어요2008-12-21 추운데 고생하셨쎄요~ ^ㅡ^♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기 이전 1 ··· 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ··· 50 다음