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사계 - 4 Seasons/겨울 - Winter

도화지 푸른 하늘도화지에 그린 하얀 그림2009-01-20 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
공사중 대한민국의 대학교는 지금 공사중돈없다고 등록금 올리지말고,공사 한번 안해서, 학생들에게 편의를 봐주는 건 어떨까.? ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta 50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
밤에, 아무 이유없이, 아무 생각없이어느 새 , 나의 발길은 그곳을 향했다.2009-01-06 ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
아침 따뜻한 해가 깨어나는 아침이 나는 좋다.따뜻한 빛이 가득한 아침이 나는 좋다.따뜻한 아침을 맞이할 수 있는 나를, 나는 사랑한다.2009-01-06 ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
늘 그런 일 추운 겨울도시의 아침은늘 이런 모습과 함께 한다.2009-01-06 아저씨 히터는 꺼주세요~! ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
09년에도.... 09년에도 맛있는 음식들과 함께 초대박2009-01-04 대박 나세요~~~ ^.~ ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
냐히아앙~~~ 편안하니.?2009-01-04 ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
HOF THE BONN 나는, 알바를 했을 뿐이고,어느 덧 3년이 지나고, 4년째 하고 있을 뿐이고,2009-01-03 ♬ ★____________________________ Photographed by 바다™ with α200+Minolta AF50mm F1.4 Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기