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사계 - 4 Seasons/겨울 - Winter

it`s Winter 도시의 겨울은 차갑다.WINTER in SEOUL ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm +α550+Sony 50mm F1.8 SAM Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
이렇게....... 이제 이렇게 일하는게 일상이 되었다.근데,, 음악만 듣는거? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ왜 일은 안하는거????????????????2009.12.21 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
어제의 청계천 청계천.아름다운 빛으로 물들다. 어제의 청계천손각대 -_ㅠ 아흑...2009.12.21 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
이거슨.... 이거슨...내가 살아가는 이유 중 하나........... 그리고....사진2009.12.20 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
발 끝. 발 끝이.........없구나.2009.12.20 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
올림픽공원 - 커피빈 추울 때나, 더울 때나여기만큼 쉬기 좋은 곳은 없더라올림픽공원 커피빈2009.12.20 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
방향 앞으로 가면. 8호선뒤로 가면. 2호선익숙한 곳잠실역 환승통로2009.12.20 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기
일요일 아침 일요일 어느 날 아침.HDR이 참 좋구나....2009.12.20 ♬ ★____________________________Photographed by 바다™ with α550+Sony DT SAL18-55mm Retouch Support by Photoscape with LightRoom Http://Blog.Paran.com/xsitherx Http://Cafe.Daum.net/S6500FD Copyrightⓒ바다™ All Rights Reserved.____________________________★ 더보기